Our Story


Founders Anno and Menno's passion for high-quality products began with the Leica M11 camera. They quickly realized there was no docking station available for this exceptional camera.

This realization sparked an idea: to create products that would complement and enhance the experience of using premium devices like the Leica M11. Their journey started with a simple yet crucial need - a docking station that would match the quality and aesthetics of the camera itself.

Driven by their appreciation for craftsmanship and attention to detail, they created their first product; the Leica dock. This mission became the foundation of our business, focusing on creating high-quality, thoughtfully designed objects we use everyday.


The Journey

20 September 2024 - The first ideas

We sat down for a few beers and chatted about our hobbies and passions. Drinking in the late summer sun we found out we both like building things a lot. The idea sparked to list all the ideas we have and that we, maybe, could build together. Our first product, the Leica dock, was one of them.

11 October 2024 - Starting wys objects

The first day wys objects started. We met at Anno's place to brainstorm business names, product vision and do the first prototyping for the Leica dock. 11 Oct is the day we registered the domainname wysobjects.com, registered the instagram page and started the business for real. Step 1 modelling and testing cables. 

Testing cables and data passthrough speeds

October 2024 - Doing the ground work

Building a product is not all fun work. Work and effort has to be put in to create a good product. The last weeks of October we mainly worked on: 

  • 🛠️ Prototyping
  • 🔌 Testing cables and connectors
  • 🧑🏻‍💻Sourcing potential suppliers
  • 🛒Setting up the Shopify store
  • 📋 Setting up the company

October 22 - The First Prototype

leica dock lens too heavy

We knew this could happen. Designed for it not to happen, but it did anyway. For fast prototyping we use a 3D printer, time to make adjustments. This is the Leica 35mm Summicron, by far not a big or heavy lens. Time for some new models.